Thursday, August 8, 2013

Oracle Apps Interview Questions Part - 18

161). Tell me names of important production tables & their purpose AP, AR, GL, PO


To store invoices
PO: PO_VENDORS, PO_VENDOR_SITES - For storing vendor data.

162). Name the interface tables used for the LockBox Interface

Lockbox transfers the receipts that pass validation to the Receivables interim tables AR_INTERIM_CASH_RECEIPTS_ALL and AR_INTERIM_CASH_RCPT_LINES_ALL
When you run Post QuickCash, the receipt data is transferred from the QuickCash tables to the following Receipt tables:
163) Name the interface tables used for the Auto Invoice Interface.
A Auto Invoice transfers transaction data from the interface tables
into the following Receivables tables:

164). Different Type of Value Sets. What is exactly Translatable independent and Translatable Dependent Value Sets (Introduced in latest version of 11i).

Ans:- There are 8 types of Values Sets.
a. None (Non Validate at all) (Validation is Minimal)
b. Independent (Input must exist on previous defined list of values)
c. Dependent (Input is checked against a subset of values based on prior Value)
d. Table (Input is checked against a subset of values in an application table)
e. Special (advanced) (Value set uses a flexfield itself)
f. Pair (advanced) (Two Flexfields together specify a range of valid values)
g. Translatable Independent (Input must exist on previous defined list of values. Translated value can be used)
h. Translatable Dependent. (Input is checked against a subset of values based on a prior value; translated value can be used)
(Note:- When you first define your flexfields, you choose how many segments
You want to use and what order you want them to appear. You also
Choose how you want to validate each of your segments. The decisions
You make affect how you define your value sets and your values.)

165) How to run a concurrent program. What all concurrent programs u have

Ans:- (Definition :- A concurrent program is an instance of an execution file, along with
parameter definitions and incompatibilities. Concurrent programs use concurrent program executables to locate the correct execution file.)
Oracle Tool Concurrent Program   A concurrent program written in
Oracle Reports, PL/SQL package procedures,
SQL Loader, SQL Plus, Host Scripting.
How to Run :   Write a execution file and place in correct directory.
Establish executables in Oracle apps specify execution file and method.
Define Concurrent Program (Program, Parameters and Incompatibilities)
Call your Program (- Thu application form, from other concurrent program.
- OR through standard request submission, you must check the „USE in SRS check box? and register your program parameters when you define your concurrent program. Add your program into the request security group for your custom application.)
I have created reports through concurrent program, load(sql loader/pl-sql pkg-proc) the file through concurrent program.

166) What is parameter in apps and from where u can create it.

Ans:- Parameters only using in report, you can create in defining the report in
apps (you can create the parameter there only).

167)What all are the tables used in the modules u have worked on.
 In PO- I have worked on PO_HEADER_ALL…..

168)What is Profile  Explain different levels of Profile.

Ans:- A user profile is a set of changeable options that affects the way your
applications run. Oracle Application Object Library establishes a value
for each option in a user?s profile when the user logs on or changes 50
responsibility. Your user can change the value of profile options at any
time a) To create Profile Option. ( Profile Option can created by developer in application developer area) b)set the value (Values of the profile option , who will have what value at various levels is set by SYSADMIN). Oracle Application Object Library provides many options that. (Edit profile feature for every user is available to set any value to allow the user).your users can set to alter the user interface of your applications to satisfy their individual preferences.
Profile Option – set at run time like – User Related, responsibility, Sequence, Printer, Security.
Values in 4 Levels(HIEARCHY WISE) :-
Application Developer create the profile.
System Administrator make profile option.
(NOTE:- If any change in value, it will active when you re-login or switch
to the responsibility.)
( Usage in the multi-tier, the profile is biggest impact)
169)How to restrict the data for a responsibility as per the ORG-ID
Ans:-Through Multi – Org(MO) u can restrict the data for a responsibility as per the ORG-ID. Only in GL- Set of book Id you set the value to restrict the data for a responsibility.

170) What is Flexfield  What is flexfield qualifier and what is segment qualifier

Ans:- A flexfield is made up a segments (Which are actually table columns). Each segment has a name that can be assigned, and set of valid value.
Purpose and Application:-
  Flexibility to implement code structure.
  Flexibility to capture additional information.
Two Types of Flexfields in oracle apps.
1. Key Flexfields (KFF)
2. Descriptive Flexfields (DFF)

A key flexfield segment has a name you assign, and set of valid values you specify. Each value has a meaning which can be specified.
Flexfield Qualifier:-A flexfield qualifier identifies a particular segment of a key flexfield..
Usually an application needs some method of identifying a particular
segment for some application purpose such as security or computations. However, since a key flexfield can be customized so that segments appear in any order with any prompts, the application needs a mechanism other than the segment name or segment order to
use for segment identification.
Segment Qualifier :- A segment qualifier identifies a particular type of value in a single
segment of a key flexfield.
In the Oracle Applications, only the. Accounting Flexfield uses segment qualifiers. You can think of a segment qualifier as an ”identification tag” for a value. In the Accounting Flexfield, segment qualifiers can identify the account type

Oracle Apps Interview Questions Part - 17

146) What validation must be given on the CUSTOMER_STATUS

A Must equal 'A' for Active or ?I? for Inactive.

147) Name some of the Oracle receivables Interfaces

A a) Auto Invoice
b) Auto Lockbox
c) Customer Interface 47
d) Sales Tax rate Interface
e) Tax Vendor Extension

148) Give some of the Oracle Payables interface

A. a) Credit Card Transaction Interface
b) Invoice Import Interface
c) Payables Open Interface
d) Purchase Order Matching

149). Name some of the oracle general ledger Interface

A a) Budget Upload
b) Importing Journals
c) Loading Daily rates

150). What are the names of the parameters u pass to the Procedure which u register in the apps

A. 1) retcode in varchar2
2) errbuf in varchar2
151). What is the use of Auto lock Box
A Auto Lockbox (or Lockbox) is a service that commercial banks offer corporate customers to enable them to outsource their accounts receivable payment processing.

152). Auto Lockbox is a three-step process, what are those

A. a) Import
b) Validation
c) PostQuickCash

153). What is the order in which Autolock box searches for the types of the matching number

A. 1. Transaction Number
2. Sales Order Number
3. Purchase Order Number
4. Consolidated Billing Invoice Number
5. Other, user-defined number.
154. What is application short name for General Ledger you specify in FND FLEXSQL user exit

155) . What are validations to be done in Journal Import interface.

A. Batch level: Set of Books, Period Name, and Batch Name
Journal Level: Set of books, Period name, Source name, Journal entry name, Currency code, Category name, Actual flag, Encumbrance type ID, User conversion type, Accounting date, Budget version ID

156) What subclass in forms6i 48

A Specifies module, storage & name information about the source object and source module for a referenced objects.

157) What is the clause in SQL   Loader to program to override data into table


158). How do you set profile in oracle applications In Application Developer responsibility

A Open „Profile? Function

159). What is the syntax for loading data through SQL   Loader from multiple files simultaneously

A. Sqlldr scott/tiger@orcl control = ctlfile
parfile -- parameter file: name of file that contains parameter specifications
parallel -- do parallel load (Default FALSE)

160) What is the table name for items in Oracle Inventory


Oracle Apps Interview Questions Part - 17

224) What is parameter in apps and from where u can create it. Ans:- Parameters only using in report, you can create in defining the report in
apps (you can create the parameter there only). 225)What all are the tables used in the modules u have worked on.  In GL – I have worked on GL_JE_HEADERS(JOURNALS HEADER),GL_JE_LINES(JOURNAL LINES), GL_JE_BACHES(JOURNAL BATCHES), GL_SET_OF_BOOK(SET_OF_BOOK_ID),
 In PO- I have worked on PO_HEADER_ALL….. 226)What is Profile  Explain different levels of Profile. Ans:- A user profile is a set of changeable options that affects the way your
applications run. Oracle Application Object Library establishes a value
for each option in a user?s profile when the user logs on or changes
responsibility. Your user can change the value of profile options at any
time a) To create Profile Option. ( Profile Option can created by developer in application developer area) b)set the value (Values of the profile option , who will have what value at various levels is set by SYSADMIN). Oracle Application Object Library provides many options that. (Edit profile feature for every user is available to set any value to allow the user).your users can set to alter the user interface of your applications to satisfy their individual preferences. Profile Option – set at run time like – User Related, responsibility, Sequence, Printer, Security.
61 Values in 4 Levels(HIEARCHY WISE) :- E. USER
Application Developer create the profile. System Administrator make profile option. (NOTE:- If any change in value, it will active when you re-login or switch to the responsibility.)
( Usage in the multi-tier, the profile is biggest impact)

227)How to restrict the data for a responsibility as per the ORG-ID Ans:-Through Multi – Org(MO) u can restrict the data for a responsibility as per the ORG-ID. Only in GL- Set of book Id you set the value to restrict the data for a responsibility. 228) is Flexfield  What is flexfield qualifier and what is segment qualifier  Ans:- A flexfield is made up a segments (Which are actually table columns). Each segment has a name that can be assigned, and set of valid value.
Purpose and Application:-
  Flexibility to implement code structure.
  Flexibility to capture additional information.
Two Types of Flexfields in oracle apps.
1. Key Flexfields (KFF)
2. Descriptive Flexfields (DFF)
A key flexfield segment has a name you assign, and set of valid values you specify. Each value has a meaning which can be specified. Flexfield Qualifier:-A flexfield qualifier identifies a particular segment of a key flexfield.. Usually an application needs some method of identifying a particular
segment for some application purpose such as security or computations. However, since a key flexfield can be customized so that segments appear in any order with any prompts, the application needs a mechanism other than the segment name or segment order to
use for segment identification.
Segment Qualifier :- A segment qualifier identifies a particular type of value in a single segment of a key flexfield.
In the Oracle Applications, only the. Accounting Flexfield uses segment qualifiers. You can think of a segment qualifier as an "identification tag" for a value. In the Accounting Flexfield, segment qualifiers can identify the account type

229)Which flexfield qualifiers are mandatory  Ans:- „Balancing Segment? flex field qualifier is mandatory. 230)Difference Between versions of Apps.(Front end & Database) Ans:- In backend- Client server architecture (old)/ Three tire architecture
In font end- Client Server Application (old)/ Web Based application 231)What is MULTI-ORG and what is structure of multi-org. Ans:- Use a single installation of any oracle applications product to support any number of organizations. if those organizations use different set of books.
Support any number or legal entities with a single installation of oracle applications. 62 Secure access to data so that users can access only the information that is relevant to them. Structure :- Business Unit -HRMS(Employee)
-GL(Set of Books)(Currency, Calendar, Chart of Account)
Balancing Segment(You can do multiple balancing segment)
-Operating Units (Purchase, Selling, Fixed Asset, Payable,
-Inventory Organizations (Storing Items, Transaction Happening,
Ware Housing)
(Note:- Means if you maintaining GL(set of book id), If u have operating unit, if you
have inventory then its called MULTI-ORG)

232)What is difference between ORG_ID and ORGANIZATION_ID in Multi-Org.
At where we can set ORG_ID and ORGANIZATION_ID level it comes in the
structure. Ans:-A Global Variable exists in the oracle database called CLIENT_INFO, which is 64 bytes long. The first 10 bytes are used to store the operating unit ID(or ORG_ID) for the multiple organization support feature.
Multi-Org views are partitioned by ORG_ID. The ORG_ID value is stored in CLIENT_INFO variable.(It comes in AP,PO,AR,OM level)
ORGANIZATION_ID – Its for Inventory, Mfg, & BOM.

15.Q.What are the default types of parameters. What is the use of each one of it.

Ans:-       233)ORG_ID can be set at master levels or transaction level. Ans:- ORG_ID can be set at transaction Level. 234)Differnet type of execution methods in Conc.Progs. Explain Each Type. Ans:- a.Oracle Reports- You can register your report as executable file type is oracle reports.
b. PL/SQL Package Procedure - You can register your PL/SQL Package Procedure as executable file type is oracle PL/SQL Package Procedure.
1. SQL Loader- You can register your SQL Loader SQL Loader is your executable file type.(for data loading)
2. SQL Plus :- You can register your SQL script as SQL Plus executable type.
3. Host Scripting:- You can write down Unix Host scripting and register here. 235)What is difference between oracle schema and apps schema. Ans:-Database Schema-
The APPS schema- is an ORACLE schema that has access to the
complete Oracle Applications data model. This schema is maintained
by AutoInstall. 236) What are the objects APPS schema contain. Ans:- The APPS schema contains synonyms to all tables and
sequences as well as all server–side code (stored procedures, views,
and database triggers).
For ERP applications, data partitioning is performed by database
views. These views reside in the APPS Oracle schema and derive the 63 appropriate operating unit context from an RDBMS variable. 237)What are the names of the parameters u pass to the Procedure which u register in the apps  B. 1) retcode in varchar2
2) errbuf in varchar2 238) What is application short name for General Ledger you specify in FND FLEXSQL user exit  A. SQLGL 239)How do you set profile in oracle applications In Application Developer responsibility  A Open „Profile? Function 240) What is the syntax for loading data through SQL   Loader from multiple files simultaneously A. Sqlldr scott/tiger@orcl control = ctlfile
parfile -- parameter file: name of file that contains parameter specifications
parallel -- do parallel load (Default FALSE) 241)Give the relation between categories and items table. MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS
Relation INVENTORY_ITEM_ID 242)In which tables are the categories of an item stored. MTL_CATEGORIES_B
MTL_ITEM_CATEGORIES 243)Significance of ALL in apps tables. Tables which are related with Multiorg is suffixed with ALL. 244)Explain about flexfield in GL.In what way it is useful  A KFF is a set of segments, each segment will identify a unique characterstic of an entity. it can be termed as intelligent key. we can define our business requirements without doing any programming.
A DFF is a set of segments which can be used to capture extra info. without any customisation. 245)Execution methods
Ans. a. Host b. Immediate
c. Java Stored Procedure
d. Java Concurrent Program
e. Multi Language Function
f. Oracle Reports
64 g. PL/SQL Stored Procedure
h. Request Set Stage Function
i. Spawned
j. SQL Loader
k. SQL Plus 246) What is TCA (Trading Community Architecture)
Ans. Oracle Trading Community Architecture (TCA) is a data model that allows you to manage complex information about the parties, or customers, who belong to your commercial community, including organizations, locations, and the network of hierarchical relationships among them. This information is maintained in the TCA Registry, which is the single source of trading community information for Oracle E-Business Suite applications. 247) Difference between Application Developer and System Administrator  Role of Technical Consultant:
1. Designing New Forms, Programs and Reports
2. Forms and Reports customization
3. Developing Interfaces
4. Developing PL/SQL stored procedures
5. Workflow automations
Role of System Administrator:
1. Define Logon Users
2. Define New/Custom Responsibility
3. Define Data Groups
4. Define Concurrent Managers
5. Define Printers
6. Test Network Preferences
7. Define/Add new Modules
Role of an Apps DBA:
1. Installing of Application
2. Upgradation
3. Migration
4. Patches
5. Routing maintenance of QA
6. Cloning of OA 248)What are Flexfields
Ans. A Flexfield is a customizable field that opens in a window from a regular Oracle Applications window. Defining flexfields enables you to tailor Oracle Applications to your own business needs. By using flexfields, you can: (a) Structure certain identifiers required by oracle applications according to your own business environment.
(b) Collect and display additional information for your business as needed.
Key Flexfields: You use key flexfields to define your own structure for many of the identifiers required by Oracle Applications. Profile – „Flexfields:Open Key Window? (FND_ID_FLEXS)
65 Descriptive Flexfield: You use descriptive flexfields to gather additional information about your business entities beyong the information required by Oracle Applications. Profile – Flexfields: Open Descr Window? (FND_DESCRIPTIVE_FLEXS) 249) Request Set and where do you define it
Ans. Request sets allow you to submit multiple requests together using multiple execution path. A request set is a collection of reports and /or programs that are grouped together. A stage is a component of a request set used to group requests within the set. All of the requests in a given stage are executed in parallel. Advantages of stages are the ability to execute several requests in parallel and then move sequentially to the next stage.
Responsibility: System Administrator
Nav: Concurrent -> Set

Oracle Apps Interview Questions Part - 16

190) How do you register a table and columns in Oracle Apps>
To register the table and columns in AOL the navigation is: Open Appliaction Developer---> Appliaction--->Database--->table.(In table mention the table name(which you want to register), user table name,columns,user column name). The table & columns which you are going to register should be present in your module specific schema

195) What can we find TEMPLATE.FMB file
Template.fmb file can be found in AU_TOP resource directory. This file contains all the Common characterstics all the forms. And also Contains Diffrent libraries. like CUSTOM.pll,APPCORE,APPCOREE2,FNDSQF, JE,JL,JA,VERT,GLOBE etc.. And Template.fmb cotains Diffrent propery classes for all the objects. This Template.fmb can be used for developing the new form 55

196) What are the libraries attached to TEMPLATE form
The Template form required 19 .pll in 11i version. Those pll names are :
APPCORE.pll APPCORE2.pll FNDSQF.pll APPDAYPK.pll GLOBE.pll JE.pll JL.pll JA.pll VERT.pll GHR.pll PQH_GEN.pll PSAC.pll PSB.pll PSA.pll IGILUTIL.pll
IGILUTIL2.pll CUSTOM.pll GMS.pll FV.pll OPM.pll

197)What is Concurrent Programming
Concurrent Processing in Oracle Apps simultaneously executes programs running in the Background with on line operations to fully utilize your hardware capacity.
Use Concurrent Programming for
Long Running – Data intensive tasks such as Posting a Journal or generating a report.

198)What is the Role of Concurrent Managers

A Concurrent Manager is a component of Concurrent processing that monitors and runs tasks without tying up your computer.

199)What is AOL
Oracle Applications are constructed and maintained using the Application Object Library (AOL).
The Three main areas of AOL are
o Applications Security
o Operating Profile
o Concurrent Processing

1. What is the Flex field  What are the types of Flex field
o Flex Field is “Flexible Field”
o A Flexfield is made up of Segments.
o Each segment has a name that can be assigned and has set of valid values.
o There are two types of Flex field Key Flex Field and Descriptive Flex Fields.

1. What are the tables related to flex field


1. What is AD_DD package

AD_DD Package is used to register the Table, Columns, and Primary Key in Oracle Applications.

1. What are the Special and Pair Flex Field

Special – Value Sets uses FlexField itself
Pair – Two Flex Fields together specifies a range of valid values.
1. What are the Translatable Dependent and Independent Flex Fields

Translatable Independent – Input must exist on previously defined set List of
Values. Translated value can be used. 57
Translatable Dependent means Input is checked against a subset of values
Based on a prior value. Translated value can be used.

Submits a Concurrent Request for Processing by a Concurrent Manager.
Arguments – Application,program,description,start_time,sub_request,arg1..
1. What is Client Info

By calling this Program in SQL PLUS or reports with correct parameters user can achieve concurrent program environment for testing.
FND_CLIENT_INFO.setup_client_info(application_id Number,
Responsibility_id Number,
User_id Number,
Security_Group_id Number);
1. Give the Directory structure in apps

$APPL_TOP - Product Directory- Version-
1. What are the steps in Registering Concurrent Program

o Go to Programs and Define Executables.
o Go to Programs and Define Concurrent Program
o Go to Responsibility and attach the Request group you want.

1. What are the different types of executable available in Concurrent Programming

o Host
o Oracle Reports
o PL/SQL Stored Procedures
o Spawned

1. What are Request Sets
2. Request set is a collection of Reports/Programs that you group together and can be submitted to run is a single interaction.

1. What is Standard Request Submission (SRS Feature)

SRS provides you with a set of windows for running reports and Programs and a set of windows for creating groups of reports and programs to run together.
Features 58

o Specify whether reports or programs in a request set run sequentially or simultaneously
o Specify whether to continue with a request set if a report or program in a sequential set fails
o View a log file
o Specify alternative requests based on completion status of previously run requests in a request set.

1. What are the different API?s for Concurrent Programming


1. What are the FlexField Qualifiers

A Flex field qualifier identifies a particular segment of a key flex field.
1. What are the Segment Qualifiers

A Segment Qualifier identifies a particular type of value in a single segment of a key flex field.
1. What is a Dynamic Insertion

Dynamic Insertion is the insertion of new valid combination into a Key Flexfields Combinations Table from a form other than the combinations form.
All Validation rules still will apply during insertion.
1. What are the different Level of Profiles

User Profiles are used
o To set options that affect your applications behavior o your preference.
o A Collection of changeable options that affect the way your applications run
o Modify Product Specific variables
o Gives Control over certain Oracle Applications features.

Profile Levels
Site Level
Application Level
Responsibility Level
User Level
Note: Site Level is the lowest level.
1. Explain Multi-Organization Structure

Set of book
A financial reporting entity that uses a particular chart of accounts, functional currency and accounting calendar.
Business Group This is highest level in the Organization Structure. The Business group secures HR Information. Multiple set of books can share same business group. Legal Entity A legal company for which you prepare fiscal or tax reports. Balancing Entity
Represents an accounting entity for which you prepare financial statements.
This is the segment in Accounting Flexfield.
Operating Unit
An Organization that Uses Oracle Cash Management, Order Management and shipping Execution, Oracle Payables, Oracle Purchasing, Oracle receivables.
It may be a Sales office division or a department. An Operating Unit is associated with legal entity.
Inventory Organization An Organization for which you track Inventory transactions and balances and/or an Organization that manufactures or distributes products. HR Organization
HR Organization represents the basic work structure of any enterprise. They usually represent Functional Management or reporting groups that exists within a business group.
1. How can u see Multi-Organization is enabled or not from SQL Prompt  SELECT MULTI_ORG_FLAG FROM fnd_product_groups;
1. What are the two mandatory parameters required for PL/SQL stored Procedure Concurrent Program  Errbuf and retcode two OUT Parameters are required while defining PL/SQL stored Procedure Concurrent Program.
Errbuf Returns any error messageand retcode returns completion status.
Retcode returns 0 for success, 1 for warnings and 2 for error.
1. Different Type of Value Sets. What is exactly Translatable independent and Translatable Dependent Value Sets (Introduced in latest version of 11i). Ans:- There are 8 types of Values Sets.
i. None (Non Validate at all) (Validation is Minimal)
j. Independent (Input must exist on previous defined list of values)
k. Dependent (Input is checked against a subset of values based on prior Value) 60 l. Table (Input is checked against a subset of values in an application table)
m. Special (advanced) (Value set uses a flexfield itself)
n. Pair (advanced) (Two Flexfields together specify a range of valid values)
o. Translatable Independent (Input must exist on previous defined list of values. Translated value can be used)
p. Translatable Dependent. (Input is checked against a subset of values based on a prior value; translated value can be used)
(Note:- When you first define your flexfields, you choose how many segments
You want to use and what order you want them to appear. You also
Choose how you want to validate each of your segments. The decisions
You make affect how you define your value sets and your values.)
1. How to run a concurrent program. What all concurrent programs u have created. Ans:- (Definition :- A concurrent program is an instance of an execution file, along with parameter definitions and incompatibilities. Concurrent programs use concurrent program executables to locate the correct execution file.)
Oracle Tool Concurrent Program   A concurrent program written in
Oracle Reports, PL/SQL package procedures,
SQL Loader, SQL Plus, Host Scripting.
How to Run :   Write a execution file and place in correct directory.
Establish executables in Oracle apps specify execution file and method.
Define Concurrent Program (Program, Parameters and Incompatibilities)
Call your Program (- Thu application form, from other concurrent program.
- OR through standard request submission, you must check the „USE in SRS check box? and register your program parameters when you define your concurrent program. Add your program into the request security group for your custom application.)
I have created reports through concurrent program, load(sql loader/pl-sql pkg-proc) the file through concurrent program.

Oracle Apps Interview Questions Part - 15

181)How do I run a shell script as a concurrent program
1: Write the script and call it <name>.prog Place the script under the bin directory under your applications top directory. For example, call the script CUSTOM.prog and place it under $CUSTOM_TOP/bin
2: Make a symbolic link from your script to $FND_TOP/bin/fndcpesr For example, if the script is called CUSTOM.prog use this: ln -s $FND_TOP/bin/fndcpesr CUSTOM This link should be named the same as your script without the .prog extension It should be in the same directory as the script.
3: Register a concurrent program as described above, using an execution method of 'Host' Use the name of your script without the .prog extension as the name of the executable For the example above, you would use CUSTOM CUSTOM
4: Your script will be passed at least 4 parameters, in $1 through $4 These will be: orauser/pwd, userid, username, request_id Any other parameters you define will be passed in $5 and higher. Make sure your script returns an exit status.
define will be passed in $5 and higher. Make sure your script returns an exit status.
5: If your script returns a failure exit status but the concurrent manager does not report the error (shows it as still running normal) apply patch 442824

182)How will u register RDF file and run it  Tell the Sequence
Steps a. Save the copy of ur reports in rdf file in ur local directory.
b. Transfer or copy the rdf file to cus_top under reports directory through ftp.
C. Then go concurrent program under executable menu where u define executable file and program name
d. Then go to define the program name (which ur executable file name ) and check the srs box and define the parameter and give the parameter name in token
e. Attach the program(request to ur responsibility )
d run the program and view the out put is srs through ur responsibility
What are different types of value sets

183)What is translatable Independent & Dependent
The value set used to support the multilingual value set.

185))How do I submit a concurrent request from PL/SQL

ans : using fnd_request.submit_request .
v_request_id := fnd_request.submit_request(applicationshortname,
end 54
if v_request_id > 0 then
dbms_output.put_line('Successfully submitted')
dbms_output.put_line('Not Submitted');
note : to submit a conc program from UNIX/shell scrip we use CONSUB

186) How do I cancel a running concurrent request
Navigate to the Concurrent Request Summary form Select a request The Sysadmin responsibility can cancel or hold any running request

187) What is the difference between organization id and org_id
Organization_id stores inventory organization id ( like 204 for M1)
Org_id stores the OU id corresponding to a operating unit .

188) What is the difference between conversion and interfaces
conversion means one time activity interface means periodic activity
example:- to transfer the data old version to new version it is called conversionto transfer the data from staging table to interface table it is called interface , it is process on every day or every hour ........

189) What are the different types of value sets and also explain each briefly
Different types of Value sets are,
1) Independent- This Value set contains list of values which does not depends on any other value
2) Dependant- It contains values which depends on any one of the Independant value
3) Pair- combines 2 flex field together to specify range of valid values
4) Special- Uses only 1 flex field structure to specify values
5) Table- This Value set contains list of values from 1 or more than 1 table columns
6) Translatable Dependant- Same as Dependant value set, only translated values are present
7) Translatable Independant- Same as Independant value set, only translated values are present

Oracle Apps Interview Questions Part - 14

171) Which flexfield qualifiers are mandatory

Ans:- „Balancing Segment? flexfield qualifier is mandatory.

172) Difference Between versions of Apps.(Front end & Database)

Ans:- In backend- Client server architecture (old)/ Three tire architecture
In font end- Client Server Application (old)/ Web Based application

173)What is MULTI-ORG and what is structure of multi-org.

Ans:- Use a single installation of any oracle applications product to support any number of organizations. if those organizations use different set of books.
Support any number or legal entities with a single installation of oracle applications.
Secure access to data so that users can access only the information that is relevant to them.
Structure :- Business Unit
-GL(Set of Books)(Currency, Calendar, Chart of Account)
Balancing Segment(You can do multiple balancing segment)
-Operating Units (Purchase, Selling, Fixed Asset, Payable,
-Inventory Organizations (Storing Items, Transaction Happening,
Ware Housing)
(Note:- Means if you maintaining GL(set of book id), If u have operating unit, if you
have inventory then its called MULTI-ORG)

174)What is difference between ORG_ID and ORGANIZATION_ID in Multi-Org.
At where we can set ORG_ID and ORGANIZATION_ID level it comes in the

Ans:-A Global Variable exists in the oracle database called CLIENT_INFO, which is 64 bytes long. The first 10 bytes are used to store the operating unit ID(or ORG_ID) for the multiple organization support feature.
Multi-Org views are partitioned by ORG_ID. The ORG_ID value is stored in CLIENT_INFO variable.(It comes in AP,PO,AR,OM level)
ORGANIZATION_ID – Its for Inventory, Mfg, & BOM.

15.Q.What are the default types of parameters. What is the use of each one of it.

175)ORG_ID can be set at master levels or transaction level.

Ans:- ORG_ID can be set at transaction Level.

176)Differnet type of execution methods in Conc.Progs. Explain Each Type.

Ans:- a.Oracle Reports- You can register your report as executable file type is oracle reports.
b. PL/SQL Package Procedure - You can register your PL/SQL Package Procedure as executable file type is oracle PL/SQL Package Procedure.
1. SQL Loader- You can register your SQL Loader SQL Loader is your executable file type.(for data loading)
2. SQL Plus :- You can register your SQL script as SQL Plus executable type.
3. Host Scripting:- You can write down Unix Host scripting and register here.

177) What is difference between oracle schema and apps schema.

Ans:-Database Schema-
The APPS schema- is an ORACLE schema that has access to the
complete Oracle Applications data model. This schema is maintained
by Auto Install .

178)What are the objects APPS schema contain. 52

Ans:- The APPS schema contains synonyms to all tables and
sequences as well as all server–side code (stored procedures, views,
and database triggers).
For ERP applications, data partitioning is performed by database
views. These views reside in the APPS Oracle schema and derive the
appropriate operating unit context from an RDBMS variable.

179)When will a New version of flint60 be released
flint60 is a developer/development tool. Since flint60 can change at any time, the most current flint60 will always obsolete all prior releases. In other words, the development standards implemented in the most current flint60 are the standards to which everyone using flint60 must adhere.
1. How do I register a custom concurrent program

Step 1: Register a concurrent program executable Navigate to the Define Executable form (AOL Reference manual pg 9-84) This determines the type of program being run, ie an Oracle Report, a C program, a shell script etc. Fill in the executable name, application and execution method. For the Execution File, fill in just the filename. The concurrent manager will look in the appropriate directory under the application's top directory. For spawned programs, the file must be in the bin directory, for Oracle Reports the rdf file must be in the srw directory. For PLSQL concurrent programs, put the name of the stored procedure.
Step 2: Define the concurrent program Navigate to the Define Concurrent Program form (AOL Reference manual pg 9-87) This form links a concurrent program to the executable you just defined, as well as defines the programs parameters, incompatibilities, and other options. Enter the concurrent program name, application, short name and description. Check Standard Submission if you want to be able to submit this program from the Standard Report Submission form. Enter the name of the executable you defined and any report information if necessary. Also define any parameters your program needs here and any incompatibilities.
Step 3: Add the concurrent program to a Report Group First you will need to find the name of the Report Group to use. Go to Security->Responsibility and query the responsibility you want to run the program with. It should show a Report Group name. Query this name in Security->Responsibility->Report Add your new program to the list of available programs. Now when you go to submit a request with this responsibility, you will be able to submit your custom program

180)How do I compile a custom C program
Spawned programs:
Step 1: Write the code Self-explanatory
Step 2: Compile the source You must use the makefile under $FND_TOP/usrxit Use: make -f $FND_TOP/usrxit/Makefile program.o We do not support using any other makefile
Step 3: Link the program This part is a little tricky. You need to create a custom makefile for this step. Use $FND_TOP/lib/ as a starting point. Copy this file to the lib directory under your applications top directory. Rename it <short name>.mk (ie, etc) Modify this file according to the directions in it. Basically you need to 53
add a target and build commands for your executable. Next, use adrelink to link the executable: adrelink force=y ranlib=y 'shortname programname'
 Step 4: Register the program as in the above question
Immediate programs: Just don't do it.

Oracle Apps Interview Questions Part - 13

152). Auto Lockbox is a three-step process, what are those

A. a) Import
b) Validation
c) PostQuickCash

153). What is the order in which Autolock box searches for the types of the matching number

A. 1. Transaction Number
2. Sales Order Number
3. Purchase Order Number
4. Consolidated Billing Invoice Number
5. Other, user-defined number.
154. What is application short name for General Ledger you specify in FND FLEXSQL user exit

155) . What are validations to be done in Journal Import interface.

A. Batch level: Set of Books, Period Name, and Batch Name
Journal Level: Set of books, Period name, Source name, Journal entry name, Currency code, Category name, Actual flag, Encumbrance type ID, User conversion type, Accounting date, Budget version ID

156) What subclass in forms6i 48

A Specifies module, storage & name information about the source object and source module for a referenced objects.

157) What is the clause in SQL   Loader to program to override data into table


158). How do you set profile in oracle applications In Application Developer responsibility

A Open „Profile? Function

159). What is the syntax for loading data through SQL   Loader from multiple files simultaneously

A. Sqlldr scott/tiger@orcl control = ctlfile
parfile -- parameter file: name of file that contains parameter specifications
parallel -- do parallel load (Default FALSE)

160) What is the table name for items in Oracle Inventory


161). Tell me names of important production tables & their purpose AP, AR, GL, PO


To store invoices
PO: PO_VENDORS, PO_VENDOR_SITES - For storing vendor data.

162). Name the interface tables used for the LockBox Interface

Lockbox transfers the receipts that pass validation to the Receivables interim tables AR_INTERIM_CASH_RECEIPTS_ALL and AR_INTERIM_CASH_RCPT_LINES_ALL
When you run Post QuickCash, the receipt data is transferred from the QuickCash tables to the following Receipt tables:
163) Name the interface tables used for the Auto Invoice Interface.
A Auto Invoice transfers transaction data from the interface tables
into the following Receivables tables:

164). Different Type of Value Sets. What is exactly Translatable independent and Translatable Dependent Value Sets (Introduced in latest version of 11i).

Ans:- There are 8 types of Values Sets.
a. None (Non Validate at all) (Validation is Minimal)
b. Independent (Input must exist on previous defined list of values)
c. Dependent (Input is checked against a subset of values based on prior Value)
d. Table (Input is checked against a subset of values in an application table)
e. Special (advanced) (Value set uses a flexfield itself)
f. Pair (advanced) (Two Flexfields together specify a range of valid values)
g. Translatable Independent (Input must exist on previous defined list of values. Translated value can be used)
h. Translatable Dependent. (Input is checked against a subset of values based on a prior value; translated value can be used)
(Note:- When you first define your flexfields, you choose how many segments
You want to use and what order you want them to appear. You also
Choose how you want to validate each of your segments. The decisions
You make affect how you define your value sets and your values.)

165) How to run a concurrent program. What all concurrent programs u have

Ans:- (Definition :- A concurrent program is an instance of an execution file, along with
parameter definitions and incompatibilities. Concurrent programs use concurrent program executables to locate the correct execution file.)
Oracle Tool Concurrent Program   A concurrent program written in
Oracle Reports, PL/SQL package procedures,
SQL Loader, SQL Plus, Host Scripting.
How to Run :   Write a execution file and place in correct directory.
Establish executables in Oracle apps specify execution file and method.
Define Concurrent Program (Program, Parameters and Incompatibilities)
Call your Program (- Thu application form, from other concurrent program.
- OR through standard request submission, you must check the „USE in SRS check box? and register your program parameters when you define your concurrent program. Add your program into the request security group for your custom application.)
I have created reports through concurrent program, load(sql loader/pl-sql pkg-proc) the file through concurrent program.

166) What is parameter in apps and from where u can create it.

Ans:- Parameters only using in report, you can create in defining the report in
apps (you can create the parameter there only).

167)What all are the tables used in the modules u have worked on.
 In PO- I have worked on PO_HEADER_ALL…..

168)What is Profile  Explain different levels of Profile.

Ans:- A user profile is a set of changeable options that affects the way your
applications run. Oracle Application Object Library establishes a value
for each option in a user?s profile when the user logs on or changes 50
responsibility. Your user can change the value of profile options at any
time a) To create Profile Option. ( Profile Option can created by developer in application developer area) b)set the value (Values of the profile option , who will have what value at various levels is set by SYSADMIN). Oracle Application Object Library provides many options that. (Edit profile feature for every user is available to set any value to allow the user).your users can set to alter the user interface of your applications to satisfy their individual preferences.
Profile Option – set at run time like – User Related, responsibility, Sequence, Printer, Security.
Values in 4 Levels(HIEARCHY WISE) :-
Application Developer create the profile.
System Administrator make profile option.
(NOTE:- If any change in value, it will active when you re-login or switch
to the responsibility.)
( Usage in the multi-tier, the profile is biggest impact)
169)How to restrict the data for a responsibility as per the ORG-ID
Ans:-Through Multi – Org(MO) u can restrict the data for a responsibility as per the ORG-ID. Only in GL- Set of book Id you set the value to restrict the data for a responsibility.

170) What is Flexfield  What is flexfield qualifier and what is segment qualifier

Ans:- A flexfield is made up a segments (Which are actually table columns). Each segment has a name that can be assigned, and set of valid value.
Purpose and Application:-
  Flexibility to implement code structure.
  Flexibility to capture additional information.
Two Types of Flexfields in oracle apps.
1. Key Flexfields (KFF)
2. Descriptive Flexfields (DFF)

A key flexfield segment has a name you assign, and set of valid values you specify. Each value has a meaning which can be specified.
Flexfield Qualifier:-A flexfield qualifier identifies a particular segment of a key flexfield..
Usually an application needs some method of identifying a particular
segment for some application purpose such as security or computations. However, since a key flexfield can be customized so that segments appear in any order with any prompts, the application needs a mechanism other than the segment name or segment order to
use for segment identification.
Segment Qualifier :- A segment qualifier identifies a particular type of value in a single
segment of a key flexfield.
In the Oracle Applications, only the. Accounting Flexfield uses segment qualifiers. You can think of a segment qualifier as an ”identification tag” for a value. In the Accounting Flexfield, segment qualifiers can identify the account type