Thursday, August 8, 2013

Oracle Apps Interview Questions Part - 15

181)How do I run a shell script as a concurrent program
1: Write the script and call it <name>.prog Place the script under the bin directory under your applications top directory. For example, call the script CUSTOM.prog and place it under $CUSTOM_TOP/bin
2: Make a symbolic link from your script to $FND_TOP/bin/fndcpesr For example, if the script is called CUSTOM.prog use this: ln -s $FND_TOP/bin/fndcpesr CUSTOM This link should be named the same as your script without the .prog extension It should be in the same directory as the script.
3: Register a concurrent program as described above, using an execution method of 'Host' Use the name of your script without the .prog extension as the name of the executable For the example above, you would use CUSTOM CUSTOM
4: Your script will be passed at least 4 parameters, in $1 through $4 These will be: orauser/pwd, userid, username, request_id Any other parameters you define will be passed in $5 and higher. Make sure your script returns an exit status.
define will be passed in $5 and higher. Make sure your script returns an exit status.
5: If your script returns a failure exit status but the concurrent manager does not report the error (shows it as still running normal) apply patch 442824

182)How will u register RDF file and run it  Tell the Sequence
Steps a. Save the copy of ur reports in rdf file in ur local directory.
b. Transfer or copy the rdf file to cus_top under reports directory through ftp.
C. Then go concurrent program under executable menu where u define executable file and program name
d. Then go to define the program name (which ur executable file name ) and check the srs box and define the parameter and give the parameter name in token
e. Attach the program(request to ur responsibility )
d run the program and view the out put is srs through ur responsibility
What are different types of value sets

183)What is translatable Independent & Dependent
The value set used to support the multilingual value set.

185))How do I submit a concurrent request from PL/SQL

ans : using fnd_request.submit_request .
v_request_id := fnd_request.submit_request(applicationshortname,
end 54
if v_request_id > 0 then
dbms_output.put_line('Successfully submitted')
dbms_output.put_line('Not Submitted');
note : to submit a conc program from UNIX/shell scrip we use CONSUB

186) How do I cancel a running concurrent request
Navigate to the Concurrent Request Summary form Select a request The Sysadmin responsibility can cancel or hold any running request

187) What is the difference between organization id and org_id
Organization_id stores inventory organization id ( like 204 for M1)
Org_id stores the OU id corresponding to a operating unit .

188) What is the difference between conversion and interfaces
conversion means one time activity interface means periodic activity
example:- to transfer the data old version to new version it is called conversionto transfer the data from staging table to interface table it is called interface , it is process on every day or every hour ........

189) What are the different types of value sets and also explain each briefly
Different types of Value sets are,
1) Independent- This Value set contains list of values which does not depends on any other value
2) Dependant- It contains values which depends on any one of the Independant value
3) Pair- combines 2 flex field together to specify range of valid values
4) Special- Uses only 1 flex field structure to specify values
5) Table- This Value set contains list of values from 1 or more than 1 table columns
6) Translatable Dependant- Same as Dependant value set, only translated values are present
7) Translatable Independant- Same as Independant value set, only translated values are present

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