Friday, August 2, 2013

Oracle Apps Interview Questions Part - 4

31. what are Handlers
  Handler is a group of packaged procedures which is used by Oracle Applications to organize . PL/SQL code in forms.
- Handlers provide a way to centralize the code so that it becomes easier to develop, maintain and debug.
- The packaged procedures available in a handler are called form the triggers by passing the name of the trigger as an argument for the procedure to process.
  Handlers are types :- 1) Item Handlers
2) Event Handlers
3) Table Handlers
4) Business Rules
- Handlers reside in program units in the form or in stored packed in the database.

32)Adding Table handler Logic

Coding logic for window and alternative region control.
Adding fin-windows and/or ROW-LOV‟S and enable query-find.
Coding logic for item relations such as dependent fields.
Coding messages to use message dictionary. 16
Adding FF logic if required.
Adding choices to the special mence and logic to modify choices the default menu and tool bar behavior is necessary.
Coding any other logic.
Creating a form function for the developed form and registering any sub functions.
Testing the form by it self.
Registering the form with AOL.
Adding the form function to a menu or creating custom mence.
Assigning the menu to the responsibility and assigning the responsibility to the user.
Testing the form within Oracle Applications.

33)Registering of Application, form and a concurrent program through Application developer Responsibility

<Application / Register >
<Application / Form>
<Application / Function>
Menu:- <Application / Menu>
Messages:- <Application / Messages>
Table:- <Database /Table>
Sequence:- <Database / View>
Concurrent Programme:- <Concurrent / Executable>
<Concurrent / Program> 17
Application Developer (Responsibility)
- Document Entities 18
- Document Categories
- Attachment Functions
- Run
-Change Organization
-Running Jobs
+Key +Descriptive
-Register -Register
-Segments -Segments
-Aliases -Values
-Cross Validation
-Values +Lookups
-Groups -Application Object Library
-Accounts -Common
+Database +Validation
-Table -Set
-View -Values
-Sequence 19
Lexical references cannot be made in Pl/SQL statements.
Bind references can be done in a PL/SQL statements.
Lexical parameters can be referenced by entering an ampusand ( ) followed immediately by the column name or parameter.
Before creating the query, a column or parameter in the data model should be created for each lexical reference in the query.
For lexical parameters, initial value must be defined so that report builder uses this value to validate the query with a lexical reference.
If Oracle reports are executed by a concurrent program, (for Oracle Reports Program), then a keyword or a parameter with the same name as in the report builder, should be defined which for each parameter, which is known as taken.
This is used to pass the parameters to the reports from the application (SRS Window)
Request Set
Request set is the group of requests, that can be submitted regularly using a single transaction.
These are the list of programs that can be defined as incompatible with a pertain program.
If any program is defined as incompatible to a particular program, then that program should not run simultaneously with the concurrent program, because they might interfere with its execution.
Application Developer Responsibility
Various Screens
Different Executable Methods
1 Host
2 Immediate
3 Java Stored Procedure
4 Java Concurrent Programme 20
5 Multi Language Function
6 Oracle Reports
7 PL/SQL stored Procedure
8 Request set stage function
9 Spawned
10 SQL Loader
11 SQL Plus
<Concurrent/Library> Concurrent Library
Library types Transaction Library
Access Levels Extensible
List of values
List types Long List of Values
No security
Security type Hireaxhial Security
Non-hireaxhial Security
Format type Date
Date time
Number 21
Standard date
Standard date time
Validation types Respondent
Translatable Independent
Translatable Dependent
<Attachments / Attachment Functions>
type form

34. What is a Data Group

- A data group is a group of oracle applications and the Oracle ID‟s of each application
- Oracle ID grants access privileges to tables in an Oracle Database
- Data group determines which Oracle Data base accounts a responsibilities forms, concurrent programs and reports connect to.

35. What is a Responsibility

- Responsibility defines Applications Privileges
- A responsibility is a level of authority in Oracle Applications that lets users only those Oracle Applications functions and data appropriate to their roles in an organization.
- Each user has at list one or more responsibilities and several users can share the same responsibility 22
  Each responsibility allows access to
- a specific application or a set of applications.
- A set of books
- A restricted list of windows that an user can navigate
- Reports in a specific application.

36. What are security Attributes

- Security Attributes are used by Oracle self service web Applications to allow rows of data to be visible to specified users responsibilities based on the specific data contained in the row.

37. What is a Profile Option

- profile options are the set of changeable options that affects how the application looks and behaves.
- By setting profile options, the applications can be made to react in different ways for different users depending on the specific user attributes.

38. What are steps involved in developing a flex field

- designing the table structure
- creating fields on the form (Visible/Hidden)
- calling appropriate routines
- registration of the flex field.
- Definition of the flex field.
<Flex fields / key/ Register>
<Flex fields/Descriptions / Register>

39. What is an application /Module

- Application is a collection of forms, function and menus

40)FND_PROGRAM Package

Procedure FND_PROGRAM. Executable IS 23
(executable in Varchar2,
application in varchar2, (full name)
short_name in varchar2, (executable short name)
description in varchar2 default NULL,
execution_method in varchar2,
execution_file_name in varchar2 default null,
Subrowline_name in varchar2 default null, (only for spawned immediate)
Icon_name in varchar2 default null,
Language_code in varchar2 default „US‟,
Execution_file_path in varchar2 default null);
For Java Concurrent Program.
Procedure FND_PROGRAM.Register IS
(Program in varchar2,
application in varchar2,
enabled in varchar2,
short_name in varchar2,
description in varchar2, default null,
executable_short_name in varchar2,
executable_application in varchar2,
execution_options in varchar2, default null,
priority in number default null,
save_output in varchar2 default „Y‟, 24
print in varchar2 dafault „Y‟,
cols in varchar2 default null,
rows in varchar2, default null,
style in varchar2, default null,
style_required in varchar2, default „N‟,
printer in varchar2, default null,
Requets_Type in varchar2, default null,
Request_type_Application in varchar2 default null,
Use_in_Srs in varchar2, default „N‟,
Allow_disabled_valuer in varchar2 default „N‟,
Run_alone in varchar2 default „N‟,
Output_type in varchar2 default „TEXT‟,
Enable_trace in varchar2 default „N‟,
Restart in varchar2 default „Y‟,
nls_complaint in varchar2 default „Y‟,
icon_name in varchar2 default null,
language_code in varchar2, default „US‟,
mls_function_short_name in varchar2 default null,
mls_function_application in varchar2 default null,
incrementor in varchar2 default null);

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